Logo Design Online Free Without Registration

Logo Design Online Free Without Registration

Published: July 4, 2023

First of all, let’s get a few things straight your website or logo isn’t your brand. But instead, your brand is a culmination of the reputation, background, and perception your target customers have for your offerings.

You see, branding is small action steps (which are taken) to build your strategy (brand). And a well-designed logo, also called a brand identity, is a tangible expression of your business.

But you may ask:

  • Why a well-designed logo is crucial and,
  • Why I must invest in an online logo design service for my business based in Melbourne.

Well, a logo helps in:

  • Grabbing attention.
  • Distinguishes you from your competitors.
  • Curates an impeccable strong impression.
  • It makes it memorable and fosters brand loyalty.

Although all of these pointers about what a logo does for a brand are true, when it comes to the execution part, the primary concern or, let’s say, an obstacle which most small business owners and SMEs in Melbourne face is:

  • Budget.
  • And they can’t decide whether to go for free logo design platforms or paid design agencies.

Worry not, mate; as this blog draws close, you will acquire the details needed to make an informed choice.

And if you are searching for a top-tier logo design agency in Melbourne, get in touch with Brand Village.

Differentiating Between Free And Premium Logo Design Services

Recently there has been much debate regarding which is better, Free Logo Design Services or Paid Ones.

So I thought to weigh the pros and cons of each to settle this debate once in for all.

Shall we?

What Is Free Logo Maker

Simply put, a free logo maker is a website or software that allows small business owners, freelancers, SMEs, and entrepreneurs to fashion their brand’s logo swiftly within a fraction of a second.

Speaking of its pros, then:

Cost-Effectiveness And Affordability

  • Online logo makers are an effective alternative when you can’t hire an expert graphic designer.
  • You can get different PNG versions of your logo along with a vector file by paying a nominal fee.

Time-Saving And Quick Turnaround

  • You can create your logo almost instantly with the help of online logo makers, which saves you a lot of time and allows you to focus on your core business vocations.
  • These softwares are designed in such a way that it makes it easy to operate and can generate a logo quickly within mere fractions of seconds.

It helps You Explain What’s In Your Mind

  • These free logo makers allow you to scour their features and curate a design that reflects your envisioned aesthetics.

Master of Creation

  • If you’re someone who’s sheer clear of what they want from their logos and is a master of creation, then you must definitely give a shot to an online log maker.
  • With a few clicks, you get everything you require from these makers, and in return, the only currency you give is your time.

Speaking of its cons, then:

Copyright Disputes

  • As a brand’s owner, when you attempt to curate a design for your logo, there’s a nuisance which comes with it.
  • Unknowingly you may incorporate some elements and pieces of design which you may think are your own creation, but you might have got that inspiration from some other imagery or logos.
  • This further leads to copyright disputes where the other company might take legal action or send a letter of demand against your design.

Format of Files

  • The logo you design from free logo maker websites, or software will only provide you with one or two choices for the final file. Check out our guide if you want to know about logo design file format.

What Is A Paid Logo Maker Agency

Paid logo makers or design agencies are a group of proficient designers who curate a unique and custom brand image for small business owners, SMEs, or entrepreneurs who hire them.

And the best part about these paid logo makers is that they use a process to craft your logo that completely aligns with your brand’s value and offerings without the impact of any influences.

Speaking of its pros, then:

Room For Customisation

  • Paid logo makers or design agencies equip you with room for customisation where you can reflect your brand’s personality and values, which effectively connects with your target audience.

Concept And Strategy

  • Agencies help in creating brand awareness from your brand’s logo.
  • They properly comprehend your business philosophy and showcase it on the logo.

Saves Massive Time

  • Agencies help streamline your workflow.
  • It allows you to focus on other essential elements of your business.

Strategic Approach

  • This one holds substantial weight in the list among the various pros listed. You see when you hire a freelancer or an in-house designer who already has a ton of things on their plate, they won’t pay attention to details.
  • But as an agency we even catch the failures in the details that an untrained eye can miss.

Speaking of its cons, then:


  • The only disadvantage you get with paid logo maker websites or design agencies is that they ain’t free.
  • But it doesn’t mean that your money is wasted.
  • You’re indeed paying a hefty amount, but as fathomed above, this substantial investment is justified by the quality designs, templates, complete copyrights, and other perks you get with it.

Logo Design Registration

Have you seen these superscripts ™ and ®?

If yes, then you know what this signifies, but if you haven’t, let me explain.

The symbol TM refers to a trade mark whereas R (in the circle) refers to the registered trademark.

A trade mark helps you solidify your logo’s ownership. After trademarking a logo, business owners can obtain legal protection against fraud and counterfeits for their logo.

Furthermore, if we talk about how you can register your brand’s logo as a trademark, then all you have to do is:

  • Have a clear understanding of your offerings.
  • See if it already has a trademark.
  • Perform relevant searches.
  • Write an application and,
  • Wait for the outcome.

Note: Ensure that you trademark your logo by registering it with IP Australia.

A Step-By-Step Guide To Creating A Logo Without Registration

A logo without registration can be curated on a free logo maker online, where you only have to follow the provided instructions:

  • Open any free online logo maker website or software like Adobe and Canva.
  • Tell them about your ideas or select any professional template.
  • Pick an icon and mould it as per your visuals and thinking.
  • Set the mood with the right colours so your brand’s logo can convey its essence and tosses the right image.
  • Now make your logo iconic by featuring an image that builds credibility and trust.
  • Make the pixels perfect by selecting the Portable Network Graphic (PNG) file to be versatile across all platforms and mediums. But why PNG? Because it’s the best choice and produces high-quality and precise images in contrast with other files.

Enhance Your Logo Design with Professional Services at BrandVillage

Let’s take a step back and look at all the variables for a bigger picture.

It becomes evident that the best course of action for businesses of all sizes in Melbourne for logo design is to hire a qualified design agency Melbourne. And with BrandVillage by your side, you can create some of the best logos for your brand in Melbourne. Over the years, I (Kate) and my team have helped several businesses establish a solid and unique identity.

Our process of working is quite distinctive as our designers first apprehend your brand and then only start working on the designs so that we can deliver a meaningful logo that resonates with your target audience. At Brand Village, every single individual’s emphasis is customer satisfaction.

Contact us at 0406-856-882 to learn more.

Let’s work together.